Creditors who are unable to get in contact with their customers sometimes file lawsuits and collect the debts through wage garnishment. In many cases, the people who are subjected to wage garnishments don’t know until they receive a substantially smaller paycheck because the creditor doesn’t have their current address. These lawsuits often come as a surprise and at the worst possible time. Fortunately, there is a way to stop garnishments and keep your entire paycheck every week.
Chances are, if the creditor has went to the trouble of filing a lawsuit and securing a wage deduction order, they aren’t going to work with you to make payment arrangements. As long as you are working, the credit will get their money directly from your paycheck. Contact a Bankruptcy Lawyer in St. Charles MO as soon as you receive notification of a wage garnishment. A lawyer can explain your options and tell you how you can end the garnishment and take home all of your earnings.
By working with a Bankruptcy Lawyer in St. Charles MO, you can take advantage of the federal laws that protect people in your situation from poverty based on old debts. Because creditors can take a considerable portion of your income through wage garnishment, bankruptcy is one of the best option to eliminate the debt completely so you won’t have to worry about the creditor coming back later and trying to collect it again.
One of the most common complaints among people in serious debt is creditor harassment. Constant phone calls, increasingly larger bills and threats of lawsuits can be a thing of the past if you file for bankruptcy. If you choose to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the wage garnishment will stop as soon as you file your documents with the court. If the debt is discharged, the creditor will not be able to collect on it in the future.
By working with a skilled Bankruptcy Lawyer, such as Van Dillen and Flood P.C. In St. Charles MO, you can be sure that you have all the information you need to make a decision about whether or not to file for personal bankruptcy to stop wage garnishment. If you choose to file, you can be confident your case will be handled professionally and that your debts will be discharged according to the law. Visit for more details.