An automobile accident that leaves someone with serious injuries requires the assistance of an Auto Injury Attorney Boston MA. Physical injuries may be temporary or could result in a lifetime of medical treatment or personal care needs. An individual, who is unable to work, should not be physically and financially victimized due to the negligence of another individual. Contacting an attorney quickly after an accident can help to eliminate the insurance company from pressuring someone into accepting a settlement that is not fair. The attorney will protect a victim’s rights and only supply the insurance company with the information that is needed.
It’s important for victim’s to understand that they do not have to pay an attorney a retainer fee or hourly fees. You will PAY NO FEES unless you win to the attorney. This means you will receive outstanding legal representation by an attorney and do not have to pay any money unless a settlement is received from the insurance company. The attorney usually has a percentage they will charge and will discuss it with a victim during the free consultation of their case. The attorney will file a claim against the other party and file all of the necessary paperwork. In addition, they may give a victim an estimate of how much they might receive in the event of a settlement.
The type of injury that is received will determine how much compensation someone will receive. Injuries that are permanent usually receive a higher compensation amount. Permanent injuries could be a broken bone, scarring, disfigurement, brain damage, spinal cord or nerve damage and other injuries that will never be the same. If you’ve been injured in an automobile accident, protecting your interests begin by contacting an Auto Injury Attorney Boston MA. Do not speak to the insurance before speaking with an attorney.
If you’ve already been offered a settlement by an insurance company, do not agree to the settlement until it’s reviewed by a personal injury attorney. Once you sign the settlement and send it to the insurance company, you will be unable to claim any further losses against them. In addition, a settlement should never be considered until an individual has been medically released from their physician.
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