Dentures Are a Non-Invasive and Inexpensive Way to Improve Your Smile

by | Jul 16, 2019 | Dental Health

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Dentures in Hamilton are replacements for missing teeth. They are less expensive than crowns or dental implants and require less invasive procedures.

Dentures can be partial or complete. A partial denture replaces just some teeth; it may even replace just a single tooth. By contrast, a complete or full denture replaces all of the teeth in the jaw. Dentures of either type restore the function and appearance of the missing teeth and thus enable a patient to chew and speak normally.

A partial denture has a metal framework that attaches to the patient’s natural teeth while a full denture has an acrylic base the same color as the patient’s gums.

The dentist will start by taking measurements and impressions of the patient’s jaws and any remaining teeth. If necessary, the dentist will also perform extractions or other procedures to prepare the patient for their dentures.

Afterward, the dentist will send the impressions and measurements to a dental technician who will create templates to enable the recording of future measurements. After the dental lab has made the dentures, the dentist will adjust them to ensure a perfect fit. The fitting process can take several weeks.

With proper care, dentures can last for over five years. They will eventually wear out, but you can prolong their life by taking good care of them. For example, you can soak the dentures overnight to keep them from drying out. Remember to rinse the dentures after eating and brush them at least once a day to remove food and other debris.

When you have dentures, it’s important to also use a soft toothbrush to clean your gums, hard palate, and cheeks every day to ensure that soft tissues remain healthy and clean.