Designing Custom Headstones in CT

by | Nov 28, 2016 | Business

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Headstones mark the graves of loved ones, provide a historical record of the individual for genealogical research purposes and are a traditional method of showing respect for those that pass. There are many details that people expect to see on a headstone, but the final product is adaptable to individual preferences in many ways. Having a headstone designed and created is an investment, so people should always be certain of what they want before the work begins.

Know the Rules

Headstones in CT have to follow the specific regulations established by the cemetery where the stone will be displayed. Many cemeteries have restrictions on size, height, and even the headstone material. After a burial the ground will need to settle some, so many sites have restrictions regarding how soon a stone is allowed to be installed.

Choose the Style

Single stones, family stones, monuments, and markers are just a few of the options people have to choose between. Not everyone will know what the headstone they want is called but will have an image in their minds of how they feel it should look. Monument companies make it easier by offering extensive guides with the options available.

Choose the Information

Listing the full name, birth date and date of death of the person is expected, but not required. Family members need to write out exactly what they want for information before they choose the shape and size of headstone or marker just to be certain all of the information will fit. It is also important to carefully check all dates and spelling because once it is carved into the headstone, it may be impossible to correct.

Add Some Extras

Photographs, poetry and military decals provide a personal touch that will help future generations to understand better who the person was in life. Headstones in CT are especially touching when they include a photograph and family members decades down the road will appreciate seeing a photograph of their ancestor.

Choosing a headstone is never easy because of the emotional trauma a death causes to an entire family. However, the headstone is an opportunity to show the world why this person was so important. Browse our website to learn more about the options available for designing the perfect custom grave marker.