When you decide to file bankruptcy, an important consideration to make is whether or not you need to. By yourself, a bankruptcy case can be a very daunting task, which is where a bankruptcy lawyer can come in handy. The process of filing bankruptcy is a time consuming and long process that can be extremely complicated. In order to determine whether or not you need a lawyer to assist with your case, use the tips here.
Type of Bankruptcy
There are two major types of bankruptcies: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
This is the most common option in which all assets are liquidated, most debt is discharged and it provides almost immediate relief from your existing creditors. If you are filing a very simple type of
Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may be able to handle it alone, but it will still require a good deal of paperwork, legal research and time that you could avoid by when you Find a Bankruptcy Lawyer In Tucson.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is one where you will set up a plan for repayment, one that allows you to maintain your assets, does not allow foreclosure of your home and helps to prevent vehicles from being repossessed. If you have decided that you need to file this type of bankruptcy, it is almost always a good idea to hire a qualified attorney. In fact, statistics have shown that the majority of Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases that are filed, or without the services of an attorney are completely dismissed.