Differential Pressure Measurement Product Features

by | Sep 15, 2016 | Engineering Consultant

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There are several different types of transducers that can measure differential pressure in industrial applications. Such industries include medical, oilfield, steel and glass plants, chemical, aviation, automotive and university research and laboratory uses.

The P855 Pressure Transducer
The P855 Pressure Transducer with Serial(485) Interface is capable of providing differential pressure measurement for the aviation industry in the area of flight testing. This particular model is a digitally compensated differential pressure transmitter. It contains an on-board microprocessor which can provide high accuracy and improved stability in changing thermal environments.

The P855 is built for low pressure measurements where fast dynamic response and high resistance to vibration and superior signal stability through temperature is a must. This model is capable of accepting both liquids and gases directly at the sensing diaphragm.

The DP290 Differential Pressure Transducer

The DP290 Differential Pressure Transducer is built for exceedingly low differential pressure measurement in OEM applications. It is one of the best sensors for measuring low flat rates of air and gases for HVAC applications. This transducer can be mounted inside an enclosure with standoffs and is capable of being custom configured to the OEM application.

The DP290 features a full scale differential pressure range as low as ±0.1 psid. It is a low cost OEM transducer with custom pressure ports available. It is also compact in size, which makes it ideal for the job.

How to Find the Best Transducer
The best way to find the differential pressure measurement transducer needed for a particular application is to contact local engineering companies that specialize in pressure transducers and sensors. For instance, check online or in a printed business directory for engineers specializing in low cost sensors for low pressure range capabilities.

Look for companies that have been in business for some time and have a focus on customer service and satisfaction. Contacting an engineering company with live customer representatives can be a big help when it comes to determining which type of transducer will work best for which application.

Look for companies with products that are known to last long and are highly reliable. Also make sure customer service in the area of technical support is rated high and considered to be a top priority.

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