Divorce Lawyers in Kyle, TX Help Spouses Decide About Asset Division

by | Jul 11, 2023 | Lawyer

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Splitting up assets during a divorce can be a substantial undertaking for a relatively wealthy couple. The two might jointly own a family home, a vacation home and valuable possessions. The situation is more complex if both are strongly sentimentally attached to any of these belongings. Divorce lawyers in Kyle, TX guide their clients to an agreement through collaborative meetings or mediation.

The Family Home

Typically, the family home is the most valuable asset a couple owns. They may need to sell it to achieve a fair split of finances. In some cases, an ex-spouse continues living there and pays the other person half the value. If both spouses really want to continue residing in this home, divorce lawyers in Kyle, TX may need to schedule sessions so the couple can make tough decisions without going to court.

A Vacation Home

Some couples purchase a vacation home during their marriage. They both may love the place and not want to give it up. In this situation, if the divorce is amicable, the two might decide to co-own the property and agree on which dates each of them will be there. It’s possible to legally document this arrangement and revisit the agreement after a certain time frame, such as 365 days.

Favorite Belongings

The couple probably bought home furnishings and decorative items, some of which may be difficult to part with. An autographed and framed vinyl album from a favorite musician hangs on the wall. A valuable painting they both love is in another room. Decisions must be made, sometimes with the help of a mediator. For more information, visit Key Law Office .