Don’t Give any Statements or Confessions in a Domestic Assault Arrest

by | Nov 1, 2019 | Law

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Catering to the votes of parents is part of politics, but you really don’t want the government becoming involved in disagreements that you might have with your spouse or children. If you’re charged with a domestic assault on one of those family members, you’re going to be embarrassed and suffer anxiety, especially if you didn’t do anything wrong. Retaining a domestic defense assault attorney in San Antonio, TX, is what you need to do in order to enhance your chances of obtaining a favorable result.

The Controlling Statute
Domestic assault in Texas can range from a class a Class C misdemeanor to a second degree felony. The Texas assault statute is found in the Texas Penal Code section 22.01. The offense is committed when a person commits one of the following acts against a family member, household member or current or former dating partner:

  • Intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causes bodily injury to another including their spouse.
  • Intentionally or knowingly threatens another with imminent bodily injury, including their spouse.
  • Intentionally or knowingly causes physical contact with another when that person knows or should reasonably believe that the other will consider the contact to be as offensive or provocative.

Invoke and Exercise Your Rights
Both police and prosecutors can be manipulated by an alleged victim. One of the most distressing things that we see in domestic assault cases is when a person is displaying hostility toward an innocent person and seeks retribution. A conviction for domestic assault can stay with you for a lifetime. Employment, educational and housing opportunities can be lost. If you’ve been arrested for domestic assault in Bexar County, don’t give police any type of a statement or confession. Exercise your right to remain silent along with your right to an attorney. Any information that you give police might be sufficient for the prosecution to use to convict you on an otherwise flimsy case.

Instead of giving the police evidence that the prosecution might try to convict you with, contact domestic defense assault attorney in San Antonio, TX, Jesse Hernandez at 210-807-8656. You can also use his online contact form.