Asphalt paving is one of the most common materials used when building a new driveway. This product can last for more than 20 years if the job is done properly. If not then you will likely face some issues within just a few months. A reputable paving company will guarantee the quality of the job they do. Even when the job is done right there will be specific maintenance tasks that will need to be routinely performed. If asphalt is not properly maintained it will begin to deteriorate and break down. This will inhibit the lifespan of the pavement. Here are some driveway maintenance tips for Asphalt Paving in Lansing MI.
A driveway made from asphalt will need to be kept as clean as possible. This means that you will need to clear up any leaves, limbs or other materials from the surface. Don’t allow leaves to pile up during the fall. Water will gather beneath them and can contribute to causing the pavement to break down. Normal wear and tear on asphalt is expected but you do not want to neglect it in a way that can cause damage.
Pavement must be sealed within six to nine months after completion. With sealant the pavement can become porous and begin to deteriorate. After sealing the initial time it will need to be repeated every two to three years. Some home-owner choose to do it more often than that. A professional who does seal-coating can offer this service to you. It is better to have one of these professionals perform this project. The sealant will need to be applied per certain specifications.
Do not use salt on Asphalt Paving in Lansing MI. Salt can also contribute to breaking down the elements of the pavement. It can result in chips and cracks that will allow water to seep down into the pavement. If you notice any faults in the pavement it is important to have it repaired. The cracks or chips will need to be sealed. This will keep water from seeping into the asphalt. More maintenance tips on asphalt paving can be obtained from Asphalt Solutions Plus.
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