Most ants that get into homes in Tennessee are little more than a nuisance, although their presence can be aggravating and disgusting to the residents. Carpenter ants are another story because they can do damage to wood in the structure. Although they don’t eat wood like termites do, they tunnel through it and chew it up to make nests. They don’t cause anywhere near the damage that termites do, but that doesn’t mean anyone wants big groups of these critters taking up residence in the home’s walls and floors. People want carpenter ant control in Spring Hill TN when they start spying the critters inside the house or crawling along the foundation. These bugs also may come indoors looking for food, just the way other ants commonly do.
Carpenter ants actually prefer moist, softer wood instead of dry lumber. They generally choose rotting wood for their nests. That might include a decaying tree stump or damaged branch, stacked firewood that has gotten wet, or downed trees on a rural residential property. Technicians doing Carpenter Ant Control in Spring Hill TN look for these potential nesting areas and use effective strategies to eliminate any nests they find. They’ll recommend that homeowners having trouble with carpenter ants eliminate any decaying wood near the house.
Professional technicians can apply a pesticide that’s very effective against carpenter ants. This insecticide is applied around the perimeter of the house. The substance isn’t available to the general public at this time, so hiring a company like A-1 Bug Control would be necessary for this project to be accomplished. Homeowners must keep in mind that pesticide is poisonous to animals, so they’ll need to keep their pets away from this area for now. The same is true for little kids who might otherwise play in this part of the yard. Inside the house, technicians will likely use substances that aren’t toxic to people or animals. Examples include diatomaceous earth and boric acid. The nests will be hidden somewhere inside the structure, and the technicians spray these substances into those areas. Contact us to start the battle against the carpenter ant invasion.