Many would agree there’s no worse pain than a toothache because it can quickly spread through the entire mouth and into other parts of the face, head and neck. Unfortunately, you may not be able to get into your dentist immediately, which means you need to take care of your toothache yourself. As you wait for toothache treatment in Troy, NY, you can do the following to provide temporary relief.
Salt Water
Believe it or not, warm salt water can have a dramatic impact on swelling and help alleviate a throbbing tooth for a period of time. Just two teaspoons of salt in a cup of warm water swished in the mouth for as long as possible can reduce pain and swelling and provide relief from the pain and throbbing.
Peppermint Leaves
If you have fresh peppermint leaves, you can get relief simply by chewing them for a little while. When applied to the affected tooth, it can alleviate the pain. If you can’t obtain fresh leaves, you can crush dried leaves and mix them with water to create a paste that can be applied to the painful tooth for relief.
Cloves can be an effective toothache treatment in Troy, NY, when used properly. However, it’s important not to use cloves directly. Instead, use clove oil to remove pain and kill any bacteria that could be dangerous to the damaged tooth. This is effective because cloves are have both antibacterial and painkilling properties.
In some cases, your toothache could be caused by trapped particles of food. If this is the situation, one of the best toothache treatments in Troy, NY, is to gently floss around the affected tooth. However, you will need to be careful to ensure you don’t cause even more damage.
If you’re looking for an effective toothache treatment in Troy, NY, visit the Matthew J. Clemente dental website to learn more.