Enjoy Healthy, Beautiful Teeth With Help From a South Charlotte Dentist

by | Dec 16, 2020 | Uncategorized

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No matter how well a person cares for their teeth, there is still a chance that a cavity will develop or their teeth may get damaged. When this happens, the best choice that anyone can make will be to see a South Charlotte Dentist at the first possible opportunity. For instance, a blow to the mouth could cause teeth to be chipped or broken which will require immediate dental care. Failure to do so could result in damage to the enamel shell or softer dentin of the inner tooth.

The first steps in a dental visit include examination and X-ray of the affected area. The dentist is determining the type of damage to the tooth and its extent. This step is useful in deciding exactly what care is necessary. In some instances, it may be possible to repair a broken or chipped tooth with a little shaping or the application of a resin to fill in the empty space. On the other hand, if the dental emergency involves a lost cap or crown, then the dentist may need to reshape part of the tooth to install a new one. It may be possible to use the original covering, but it isn’t advised unless the crown is fairly recent.

One needn’t have an oral emergency to visit a South Charlotte Dentist. In fact, preventative maintenance and routine cleaning are the best ways to prevent tooth decay and eventual loss. Annual checkups can determine if new problems are developing or whether old ones are returning. The latter can occur when a repair fails or decay sets in again.

If the dental condition is too severe, then the dentist may need to extract the tooth. This is usually the easiest method of eliminating the pain, but it also causes new problems. For example, extracting a tooth leaves a gap which allows the remaining teeth to shift position. This exposes the teeth to further damage and ruins the appearance of the smile. The solution is a dental implant. An implant uses an inert material to create a strong root. Once the root is secure, the dentist will install a crown to fit the space. To learn more about dental procedures, contact the experts at Caldwell, Bills & Petrilli Dentistry.