All drivers must have car insurance, no matter where they live or how they drive. With numerous options available, choosing the proper coverage may be difficult. Many are tempted to buy the cheapest available policy, but that can be costly in the event of an accident. Collision and comprehensive insurance are common choices that may be right for you.
While comprehensive insurance covers damage caused by vandalism, animal strikes, and weather, collision insurance covers damage caused by auto accidents.
Because comprehensive and collision insurance have different purposes, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Depending on where you live and how you drive, though, you may find one to be more effective than the other. For instance, if you live in the city and are at a higher risk of a fender bender, collision insurance will make it easier for you to get service at a collision center in Phoenix, AZ.
Combining comprehensive and collision insurance might be helpful, depending on your specific circumstances. If you’re a long-distance commuter, it may be worthwhile. However, if you’re driving a car that’s a few years old and not in the best shape, having both types of coverage may be cost-prohibitive.
Because insurers only cover repairs up to a car’s book value, you’d be better off opting out of comprehensive and collision coverage for less valuable vehicles. If, after visiting a collision center in Phoenix, AZ, you find that the damage is repairable, you’ll have the option to pay for repairs out-of-pocket or look for a new vehicle and take the insurer’s payout. By considering the pros and cons and evaluating your coverage needs, you’ll be able to make an informed decision.
If you need repairs for collision damage, visit the pros at Dynasty Collision at or call us to schedule an estimate.