Excellent Tips to Make Packing and Moving a Breeze

by | Apr 16, 2018 | Moving

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It might seem like moving day won’t come for a long time, but usually it gets here faster than you expect! That’s why planning for the process gives you a better chance of being ready to go on the actual day. It can be hard to decide where to start when so many things need to be done, which is why we’re going to provide some great tips for making moving and packing more straightforward than you could imagine.

Don’t Skimp on the Boxes

Having too many boxes is always better than finding out that you have too few. Scrambling to find boxes at the last minute is stressful and can be avoided. Instead, make sure you have more boxes than you think you have a use for. Also, get boxes of many different sizes. Small boxes are great for heavy items, while larger boxes work for other belongings. Get everything packed and ready for one of the local moving companies in Knoxville to pick up on moving day.

Other Required Supplies

While you are stocking up on boxes, don’t forget the other supplies you will need. Tape is a crucial thing to have on hand. A tape gun can make applying the tape easier, as well. Packing paper and labels are also useful to use on your boxes. Slap a label on and mark what room the contents are for to make things easier for your moving company when they get to your new home.

Prepping for the Move

No matter which of the moving companies in Knoxville that you choose, being ready when they show up is essential. Make sure everything is packed before the day of the move. You should also prepare your furniture for the move. Disassemble any furniture that requires it. Remove your drawers from dressers. This makes it easier to get things moving and can save on your moving bills.

Keep Organized

We mentioned that it’s best to label your boxes by room, which is one aspect of being organized. However, there are many other ways to ensure you’re ready for the journey. Be aware of where movers can park and if there are any limits on parking time. You should also keep a box of essential items packed and organized to go over with you on the move, so you don’t lose track of them.

As long as you take these tips into consideration, you’ll be ready for your moving day. You’ll also get all your packing down in a quicker time period than you might have expected.