Exclusions to Home Owners Insurance in Austin, TX

by | Sep 4, 2015 | Insurance

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Some exclusions common to Home Owners Insurance in Austin TX, have very little effect on homeowners. Terrorist acts are excluded from almost every home policy sold in the US, but other exclusions should be considered as well. Some aren’t as well-known as others, but they are important to understand if a homeowner wants to cover themselves against all reasonable perils.

1. War and Nuclear Accidents: In addition to the terrorist acts mentioned above (an exclusion that was broadened considerably after 9/11/01), almost all home insurance policies exclude damage from nuclear accidents. Odds are, the plant’s parent company will be liable for damages if they remain in operation after an accident. Damages due to war are also excluded.
2. Neglect: Failing to maintain the home will absolve the insurer of liability for claims that would otherwise be paid. For instance, a ceiling collapse is typically covered. However, if termites have been allowed to multiply, and the damage led to the collapse, the insurance company can claim that the homeowner’s duty was to take protective actions.
3. Animals: Generally, a homeowner’s policy covers damages if someone is injured while visiting the premises. However, if an animal attacks or bites a visitor, damages from the incident are not covered. This is a direct consequence to the number of fighting dog breeds that have been popular recently and to the number of attacks by those dogs.
4. Water Damage: This exclusion includes sewer backups and floods. If a pipe bursts and a home is flooded, the damage is covered. However, if rising flood waters cause damage, it’s only covered by a separate flood insurance policy. Sewer failures are only covered if the homeowner can show the backup occurred on their property.
5. Earthquakes: The earth movement category is broader than it seems at first. It includes mudslides and landslides, which are quite common in some West Coast locations. Homeowners must buy additional coverage for earthquakes, which works much like flood insurance. These insurance policies are available through state offices and must be bought if a homeowner wants to protect their investment from damage by an earthquake, landslide, or mudslide.

Home Owners Insurance in Austin TX, is important coverage to have, but it does not protect against every possibility. By learning about policy limitations and exclusions, homeowners can then buy the additional coverage from Patrick Court at State Farm that’s appropriate for their needs, their situation, and their location.