Keeping proper care of ones self as they age should be paramount, but sadly some components of self-care often go neglected. Our eyes, easily argued as the most precious of our senses, are a prime example of this. As we age, many components of our vision change, and often what this means is the need for corrective lenses. Just like any other bodily system, maintaining your eyesight in top form takes more than strong genetics; a partnership which includes a physician who understands the workings from the eye is also key. Taking the time to care for yourself, even when it seems trivial, can easily add quality years to your lifetime.
On average, eye exams are a pretty straightforward but multi-staged process. Testing is performed to aid the optometrist in determining the overall strength of a person’s eyesight, with specialized segments for both up close and distance vision. A routine element of many eye exams is dilation; by dilating an individual’s eyes, their optometrist is able to get a far greater feel for the health of the rear portions of their patient’s eyes. This detects corneal problems far faster than waiting for tell-tale symptoms to arise. With proper corrective care and regular visits, the eye doctors in green bay WI help make certain their patients retain strong, healthy eyes. Pressure testing – that quick burst of air part of an examination – is designed to accurately determine the pressure of the inner eye, which in turn determines risk for conditions such as glaucoma.
Eye exams should be carried out yearly with one of the many eye doctors in green bay WI. Building rapport with an eye doctor, formally titled an optometrist, accurate documentation is produced to maintain record of an individual’s vision as time progresses. Often, this may help his or her regular physician of potential ailments prior to major symptoms arising as they age. More often than not there won’t be any changes from year to year, but taking the time to confirm this is vital as many factors can drastically change this. Working hand in hand with one of the green bay WI Advanced Eyecare Center physicians can help ensure the health of an individual’s eyes for years to come.