Eyeglass Stores in New York City May Reflect the General Statistics of Spectacle Wearers

by | Jul 14, 2017 | Eyeglasses

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Owners and customers of Eyeglass Stores in New York City may take an interest in statistics regarding how many people wear glasses, as well as other related information. There are problems with trying to gather this type of data because people wear glasses for so many different reasons, and not everyone buys new ones regularly.

Infrequent Purchases

An individual who only wears glasses while driving or at the cinema might not bother to get a new prescription for many years and may not buy different glasses during that time either. In addition, many people who have a prescription for eyeglasses only wear contact lenses. They use glasses as a backup. Even if they change their contact lens prescription every year, they might not bother to change the glasses if they only wear the spectacles around the house at night.

Frequent Purchases

In contrast, there are individuals who like to change their eyeglasses at least yearly, even if they don’t need a new prescription. They might go to an annual eye exam and buy new glasses with the old prescription if nothing has changed, or they may not have an eye exam this frequently if they know they don’t need a vision test. For more details, visit here.

Multiple Purchases

Although it’s less common for someone to buy multiple pairs of spectacles at Eyeglass Stores in New York City, some customers do so. They want to convey their own unique style in a variety of situations. They may like to have different eyeglasses for different outfits, or separate pairs for work, clubbing with friends and going on dates. They find a broad range of stylish frames at a store such as Business Name and may enjoy going there several times a year to shop for new items, which they view as their own personal fashion trends.


But what do the statistics actually say? The Vision Council of America finds that about 64 percent of the U.S. population wears glasses. About 30 percent of those people need them to see objects at a distance because they are near-sighted. Around twice that percentage needs vision correction for farsightedness.