Factors That May Indicate Homeowners in Eugene Need a New Roof

by | Jan 25, 2022 | Home Improvement

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There are several signs that would indicate that it is time for you to get a new roof. You can work closely with a company that offers new roof installation in Eugene as you make this decision. Here are a few of the telltale signs that they may use as they provide recommendations on what you should do.

The age of your roof will be considered when determining if new roof installation in Eugene is necessary for your home. If you have asphalt shingles on your roof, it is likely that they will only last 15 to 20 years. If there have been many storms in your area or your roof has not been maintained, the lifespan of asphalt shingles can be even shorter. If your roof is old, professionals may recommend that you completely replace it.

Something else that will be considered is the number of repairs you have recently had to do on the roof. If you feel like you are calling roofing professionals all the time to fix a leak or address other problems, it may be worth it to completely replace the roof now.

The season of the year may also play a factor in what professionals recommend. For example, if your roof is old and winter is approaching, they may recommend that you start the installation of a new roof soon to prepare for the cold winter months.

Learn how Armadillo Roofing Inc. has been a leading roofing company in Lane County and is dedicated to exceptional customer service by visiting their website at http://armadilloroofinginc.com.