Facts About SR22 insurance in St. Louis MO

by | Mar 12, 2014 | Insurance

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Automobile insurance is mandatory for every Missouri driver. Driving without insurance coverage comes with severe consequences. Regardless of your circumstances, there is no reason to go without auto insurance. Even if you need SR22 insurance in St. Louis, MO, you still need to make sure you have coverage in accordance with the law. The following will address what SR22 and things you need to know about it.

SR22 is not really insurance at all, but it does relate to insurance. It is a form some people have to file in order to get insurance and to prove they have the appropriate amount of coverage. Who needs SR22 forms for automobile insurance? Anyone who has been convicted of driving under the influence, involved in a car accident without coverage, or any other drivers who are categorized as high-risk to other drivers. The SR22 form is how the Department of Motor Vehicles knows you are properly covered.

Due to the nature of this form, your insurance rates are going to be higher than normal. However, there are ways you can reduce your sr22 insuracne cost. Here are two things you can do while you have to carry SR22 to lower your rate.

1) Buy an older car. Newer cars are more expensive on any insurance coverage, especially when the car has special features. Instead of buying a brand new car, buy an older car that you do not have to finance. If your car is paid for with no liens against it, you only have to carry liability coverage which is cheaper.

2) Get motorcycle insurance. If you own a motorcycle, get insurance for it instead of getting a car and insuring it. You do not have to drive an automobile to get your SR22 for insurance. You can drive a motorcycle instead and save hundreds to thousands of dollars on your insurance coverage.

You can also combine your insurance policies with one company and shop around for the cheapest rates for quality SR22 insurance in St. Louis, MO. Make sure to maintain your coverage to prevent future consequences. For instance, if your insurance coverage is ever canceled, the insurance company informs the department of motor vehicles which means you have to start all over again with getting coverage. It can become harder and harder to get coverage when you allow it to lapse. The people at associated insuracne brokers (AIB) make getting insurance easier.