FAQs About Workers Comp In MN

by | Jul 29, 2019 | Law

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While Worker’s Compensation is an insurance program that is available across the country, each state is responsible for setting the rules and guidelines for the program within that state.

In Minnesota, the MN Department of Labor and Industry is the governing body for Workers’ Compensation. While basically the same as most other states, there are some unique factors in  workers comp in the state that need to be understood and followed to prevent problems in making a claim.

Some of the most common questions about workers comp are basic information injured workers need to file a claim in the event they are injured on the job.

Are employers in MN required to carry Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

In general, all typical employers are required to carry workers comp insurance as per the Minnesota Statutes 176.181, subd. 2. There are some exceptions to this, including family farms, sole proprietors, and for people employed as casual workers or independent contractors. As this can sometimes be a confusing area, talking to a workers’ compensation attorney is vital if you are not allowed to file but believe you should be entitled under the conditions of your employment.

Is there a time limit to file?

In MN, as well as in other states, there is a time to file a claim. This begins with notifying the designated supervisor or manager at the place of employment and providing the information they need to complete the FROI or First Report of an Injury form.

Are all injuries covered?

While there are some exceptions, most injuries that occur at work or as a part of work requirements are covered by Workers’ Compensation insurance. This includes injuries that may be cumulative in nature, such as repetitive stress injuries, as well as injuries that may be caused by exposure to chemicals or harmful materials on the job.