Four Lawn Services Related to Pest Control in Spokane

by | Feb 13, 2018 | Pest Control

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Lawn care companies do not simply mow the grass and keep it green. They handle an array of services related to yard care, from trimming trees to snow removal. Pest Control in Spokane can also get completed by lawn care professionals. At least four lawn services exist related to pest control.

Nest Removal

Nests located outside can be removed by a lawn care specialist. He will use necessary products to eliminate bees, wasps, and other insects so they are no longer a threat. With the bugs gone from the area, the nest can be removed safely so another swarm cannot take it over at a later time.

Lawn Insect Control

Many insects live in the lawn, sometimes wreaking havoc on the grass and causing problems for the people living nearby. Lawn insect control works to eliminate these pests from the area so no further damage can be caused. It also works to repel other pests so the lawn can remain in ideal condition without anything causing a problem.

Tree and Shrub Insect Control

Another round of insects lives in shrubs and trees. They may start eating away at them and even spread diseases that will kill the trees. Another dose of spray gets applied to the shrubs and trees in the area to prevent bugs from wreaking havoc on plantings.

Mosquito Treatment

Mosquitoes are a common problem for homeowners, with the bloodthirsty insects consistently hanging around trying to get a meal. A mosquito treatment will help to eliminate the problem. It will also prevent more mosquitoes from coming to the area in the future.

Pest Control in Spokane does not require a pest control company. An all-in-one professional lawn care company can handle these services to ensure adequate care of the yard. They are not just trying to remove the insects and animals from the area but are doing so while keeping the grass and trees in proper condition. Chemicals used are far less harsh and invasive than some other options. Browse our website to learn more about the pest control and other lawn services offered for a glimpse of what a professional team can do.