Get Care for Your TMJ in Wichita, KS

by | Sep 26, 2013 | Dentistry

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The TMJ joint can cause a lot of problems when it is having issues. If you are experiencing pain in your jaw, you could be experiencing TMJD or Temporomandibular joint disorder. Because this joint is opened and closed so often, through eating and speaking, it is prone to becoming strained and worn down. The disorder can cause a variety of different symptoms that can range from mild to severe. It is important for you to recognize the symptoms of TMJD so that you can get the treatment that you need. This can help to correct the problems in your jaw and give you relief from your pain.

When you are experiencing TMJ in Wichita KS, you need to know what is going on with your jaw. TMJD can cause radiating pain that can feel like it is in the teeth, ear, jaw, head or even the neck. This disorder can cause problems with the jaw coming out of alignment, which can lead to severe pain. If you are experiencing any of the signs of TMJD, it is important that you seek treatment right away. There are so many treatment options available and you do not necessarily need an invasive procedure to correct it.

Your dentist can treat you for TMJD and offer you the different options that are available. Many dentists start off your treatment with a tooth device that helps to stop you from grinding your teeth. Since one of the causes for TMJD is teeth grinding during sleep, it is important that your dentist stops this from occurring. Other forms of treatment for TMJD include learning relaxing exercises that help to release the clenching action of the teeth and the jaw muscles. This can bring great relief of pain and can help you tremendously in learning to deal with your condition.

If your TMJ in Wichita KS is severe, your dentist may recommend surgery to correct your jaw condition. When you are examined, your dentist will be able to inform you of how advanced your TMJD is and what treatment options are available to help you through the pain.