In New Jersey, residents experiencing issues with sleep apnea could find an advantageous remedy by visiting their dentist. In the past, the only way these individuals could acquire help with this sleep disorder was to undergo surgery to correct deviated septums or by using a CPAP machine. For some patients, these just weren’t the most beneficial options.
Sleep Apnea Treatments
Sleep apnea is a condition which causes patients to awaken exhausted. The reason for this is that they experience periods during sleep in which they aren’t receiving enough oxygen to their lungs. When this occurs, receptors in their brain engage and disturb their sleep to force them to awaken momentarily. Over the course of the night, they could experience as many as twenty or more disruptions an hour.
What Causes this Condition?
In some cases, as mentioned above, deviated septums can lead to sleep apnea. However, it isn’t the only cause. In cases in which an oral surgeon is helpful, the tongue is relapsing and blocking their airways when they sleep. To prevent this condition from continuing to disrupt sleep, the surgeon installs a device, which forces the jaw forward.
The Sleep Device in Summit NJ is attached to the lower jaw. As the jaw is pulled forward, the tongue cannot fall backward and block air pathways. This allows the patient to acquire adequate oxygen levels throughout the night.
Are There Alternatives?
If the idea of a permanent installation is too overwhelming, the surgeon can prescribe a mouth guard. These devices are custom designed to fit in your mouth. The surgeon creates a mold of your lower jaw to produce the device. It also pulls your jaw forward to prevent the tongue from obstructing your airways.
Sleep apnea affects millions of individuals each year, due to obstructed airways. It prevents them from acquiring restful sleep due to constant disturbances. This leads to consistent exhaustion, which could reduce productivity. However, an oral surgeon can help them remedy this condition without extensive surgery. If you wish to learn more about the Sleep Device in Summit NJ, you should contact Westfield Oral Surgery and schedule a consultation.