Getting the Help You Need to Keep Your Atlanta Home from Foreclosure

by | Oct 3, 2019 | Real Estate Agency

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Owning a home means that you need to ensure that the mortgage payment is made each month. If this payment isn’t made on time or if there are multiple payments that are missed for an extended length of time, then it’s possible for the bank or finance company that holds the mortgage to begin foreclosure proceedings. With the assistance of agents who can help with foreclosures in Cobb County and a few tips that you can keep in mind, you might be able to keep your home even after the process begins.

Address the Issue

If you receive information about foreclosure, you need to do something to find out how much you owe and what can be done to stop the proceedings. Avoid putting off the issue as you can get further into debt in only a short time.

Make Contact

As soon as you get details about a foreclosure, call the lender or someone who assists with foreclosures in Cobb County to try to make an arrangement. If you explain your situation and what happened that caused you to get behind on your house payments, then most lenders can work with you so that you can keep your home. However, you don’t want to wait until you are several months behind before making that call.


One of the things that you can do to try to make your mortgage payments is to restructure your budget. Your house payment should be one of the first things that you pay each month followed by your car payment and any type of insurance that you have. Once you’re able to stay on track with these payments, you can then budget for the other necessities that you have and even put money into a savings account in case of emergencies in the future.

Contact Ryan Lewis & Associates for more information about how you can get the help you need to stay on top of your foreclosure.