Give Seniors a Caring Environment for Those in Need of Memory Care

by | Jul 23, 2019 | Community

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It’s normal when a person isn’t as sharp as a tack as the years go by. Memory loss is a problem that everyone deals with at some point in time. You thought your mother was simply going through the effects of aging when she started to become forgetful. You knew you were dealing with a bigger problem when she started to forget her way home from the store. You found objects left in strange places in her home. She could tell you stories that happened 20 years ago, but she couldn’t tell you what she ate for breakfast or if she had eaten breakfast at all. With growing concern, you’ve started looking into elder care services in Decatur, GA. Now that your mother has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, you want to provide her with accommodations that will suit her condition.

Memory Care Is at the Top of the Your List

Elder care services in Decatur, GA, are abundant, so you have a wide range of choices. You know your mother will need a greater level of support than what you can provide, so she needs the care that can be offered at an assisted living facility. She is still mobile and able to take care of personal hygiene and dressing, and she still enjoys interacting with others. It isn’t time for the nursing home. You want to give her a unique location that understands the issues that arise with memory care.

Place Your Mother in a Community That Is Set Apart From the Rest

Quality elder care services in Decatur, GA, are available for your mother. Consider a community that has set the bar high for memory care. We have the facility for those with dementia, memory loss, and Alzheimer’s, and all staff members will treat your mother with compassion as they address the challenges that come with living with Alzheimer’s. To know more, visit the website.