Guide for Finding a Manufacturing Partner for Pharmaceutical Packaging

by | Mar 12, 2019 | Plastic Fabrication Company

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Poor choice in packaging can lead to higher risks of contamination and product damage, PharmTech says. To ensure they don’t happen, finding the right partner for pharmaceutical packaging is a vital decision.

Understands your processes

When you look for a manufacturer, find one that has the intelligence and ability to understand your processes. They may even align their processes to yours, ensuring better results. That’s the kind of partnership you’ll want to look for when you pick a manufacturer for pharmaceutical packaging.

Delivers quality results

Check the company’s reputation and record in the business. How much experience does it have? From what industry does the majority of the firm’s clients come from? These can help you determine the suitability of the firm as a packaging solutions provider.

Has excellent communication

For the partnership to work and benefit both sides, there needs to be excellent communication. If you find it easy to talk to the firm’s team and go over adjustments or corrections for the packaging, then that’s a good basis for choosing the firm’s services.

Ask about size

Not all manufacturing firms may have the resources to handle the scope of your project. Some companies, on the other hand, don’t accept orders under a minimum figure. Call up the firm and ask if they have minimum and maximum numbers set for orders before you hire their services.

Consider consistency

You need a manufacturer you can trust and rely on. While there are plenty of manufacturing firms out there, not all of them are capable of delivering consistent levels of service. That’s a quality you’ll want in a long-term manufacturing partner.

Check the quality of materials

When you pick a manufacturer make sure you check the quality of the materials used for the packaging. Are they made from top-grade materials? That’s another point of consideration you’ll need to take into account.