High-Quality Nursing Care For Your Seniors in Monmouth County, NJ

by | Nov 21, 2022 | Home Care

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Seniors face health challenges that require around-the-clock care, and many families prefer to avoid a stay in a nursing home. Instead, in-home caregiving in Monmouth County, NJ allows them to keep their seniors at home while they get the care they need. Speaking to a service provider about in-home nursing helps you learn about the benefits of these services.

Activities of Daily Life

Seniors with disabilities or who have sustained injuries need nursing help when they cannot perform daily activities independently. These activities include grooming, bathing, and brushing their teeth. With in-home caregiving in Monmouth County, NJ, seniors get help in the privacy of their own homes.

Nurses With Geriatric Training

Many nurses with geriatric training also completed courses in treating individuals with complex health conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Seniors with these conditions need a structured schedule to help them remember how to complete simple tasks and recall memories. Specialized nursing care in the home enables families to get help for their loved ones from a licensed professional.

Recovering From a Stroke

After a person experiences a stroke, they need rehabilitative services to recover and relearn how to do many everyday tasks. Many patients could become paralyzed on one side of their bodies, either temporarily or permanently. In-home nursing care helps these individuals regain strength and restore function to their limbs.

Elderly parents who need assistance with ADLs could benefit from in-home nursing care. With the help of these service providers, seniors live independently longer and stay in their homes. Contact Amanda Senior Care to set up homecare for your senior or visit amadaseniorcare.com/monmouth-senior-care.