Hire a Lawyer in Royse City, TX, After a DWI Arrest

by | May 16, 2016 | Lawyers

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It can’t be debated that alcohol consumption results in impaired judgment. However, the timing and level of when alcohol’s effects can be considered impairment are not clearly defined. Below are the answers to some common questions on blood alcohol content (BAC) and legal impairment.

Is it OK if a Person’s BAC is Under the Legal Limit?

As with many things in life, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Various studies have demonstrated that even though a driver’s BAC may be below the legal limit, they can be impaired at a BAC as low as .02. A person’s driving ability is affected by factors other than the quantity of liquor, and many jurisdictions have statutes that give officers leeway in arresting individuals for DWI with a BAC below .08.

When Does Focus Matter?

A person’s ability to focus and control speed are deemed to be impaired at a BAC of .08. A level below the threshold depends on factors such as road conditions, how much the subject has eaten during the day, the time, and how much sleep they’ve had. Other factors playing a role in a person’s impairment level include gender, age, weight and alcohol tolerance.

How Many Alcoholic Beverages Can a Person Drink per Hour and Still Be Under the Limit?

That number depends on the factors mentioned above. Typically, a man weighing 170 pounds can have four drinks in an hour and still be below the legal limit. A female weighing 137 pounds can have 3 drinks in an hour and be below the limit. However, clients should remember that, depending on the jurisdictional law, an officer may still be able to make an arrest even if they are below the legal limit. Drivers in this situation should visit the law offices of Tim Hartley to hire a DWI lawyer in Royse City, TX, to protect their rights and ensure that the police followed the correct procedures.

Getting Legal Help After a DWI Arrest

DWI is a serious offense, and its consequences can be far-reaching and long-lasting. If a person is facing DWI charges, they should browse this website to consult a lawyer in Royse City, TX, immediately, to learn about their legal rights, availability of potential defenses, and to learn what they should expect from the Texas’ justice system.