Hire Experienced Exterminators to Eliminate Problems With Termites in Howell

by | Sep 9, 2014 | Pest Control

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Sometimes the biggest nuisance when owning a home is dealing with the pests that will eventually invade your property. The bad part is there are so many possibilities that it is difficult to treat for them all. Even when you put down pesticides in or around the home you may still need to deal with outdoor pests that will find their way indoors. Even worse, not all pest problems are easily visible and one of the most damaging pests you may ever deal with is Termites in Howell. Termites are actually a huge variety of insects, the species range in the thousands, that live on cellulose and plant fibers. These insects were never a real problem until people began building their dwellings and furnishings from wood and other plant based materials.

Termites are usually easy to recognize, assuming you can see them. They are a small whitish or light tan insect that looks like an ant. In most instances the termite will live inside the very materials they are consuming. When this happens to be the foundation or structure of your home then the termite won’t be visible until they come out and forage for water. You can often locate the nests because they will build their initial colony close to a source of moisture. If the colony is large then the damage should be quite visible. Treating the problem is a bit difficult because it takes a lot of pesticides to eliminate such a huge colony.

The two most common methods for treating termites are baits that are carried back into the nest and fumigation. Fumigation is considered the most effective because the gaseous pesticide will saturate through the cracks in the construction and soak into the wood which the building is made from. Unfortunately, fumigation is hazardous to pets and people and it requires specially qualified exterminators to handle it properly. When your home or building is fumigated the pest control company will tent the building to keep the pesticide from leaking out. This tent will need to stay in place for at least one night and possibly up to a week depending on the infestation and the property should not be entered until the exterminator gives the okay. If you are dealing with Termites in Howell be sure to consult with an expert like Freehold Pest Control.