When you have been hurt while on the job, your entire career can be put in jeopardy. You worry about losing your ability to earn an income and support your family. You also fear losing your benefits that you have been paying into all of these years.
To safeguard your financial wellness, you need to file for benefits that are available to workers in your position. You can start by hiring an attorney to file for MSRS in MN today.
Discovering Your Eligibility
Before you file for these benefits, you need to make sure that you are eligible for them. You do not want to waste your time filing for a program that you do not qualify for and cannot get anything out of where you live.
The attorney that you hire can review your circumstances and make sure that you meet the eligibility requirements for the program. After learning if you qualify for the benefits, you can then have your lawyer file the petition on your behalf.
Your lawyer can also be instrumental in helping your secure payments faster than if you were to file for them yourself. You could receive them in a matter of weeks rather than having to wait for months or years.
You can find out more about filing for and getting benefits like MSRS in MN online. Your first move would be to set up a no-obligation consultation with a lawyer that specializes in representing clients like you.