The face of domestic violence is vague because so many people fail to report cases. Some of the reasons people fail to report it are shame or embarrassment, denial and a feeling that no one will truly listen. If a true statistical number could be pulled for domestic violence in the United States alone, the figures would be startling. Nonetheless, domestic violence is a very real and very ugly problem globally. If any persons feel they are in a domestic violence situation or feel threatened by the possibility of it, they should report it. Are you wondering How a Domestic Violence Lawyer Can Assist in Legal Proceedings? This article will assist you in understanding this.
A domestic violence lawyer in the Brooklyn, New York area offers to help victims come forward and get help. In New York, the New York family courts and criminal courts have ongoing jurisdiction over various offenses like sexual conduct, sexual abuse, stalking, assault, and strangulation. This allows victims of domestic violence to use family court to bring civil charges, use the criminal courts to address criminal charges, or they can address both charges at the same time at both courts. The victims can ask for an order of protection from either of the two courts. This order will demand the offender stays away from both the victim and the children of the victim.
Some elements of events that go down between spouses will become criminal charges versus civil charges. For example, the offender can be convicted of criminal activity for simply intending to inflict harm, as well as the actual harm he or she causes. Even stalking falls under criminal charges. A stalker may cause the victim to feel threatened in the home, job or other personal life.
Looking in the yellow pages for the name Zaloba Edward will lead the domestic violence victim to the attorney who will help sort out the legal proceedings involved in filing a domestic violence case. The law office provides experience and flair to help the client obtain a great result in the legal proceedings of a domestic violence case. Are you really interested in How a Domestic Violence Lawyer Can Assist in Legal Proceedings? Visit the website of the Law Office of Edward Zaloba, visit us website.