Modern-day dental science has come a long way when compared to the limitations put on oral restorative treatment in the past. There was only one solution to replace missing teeth in early dental medicine. The only option was denture appliances that were often ill-fitted for the natural contours of the mouth. Now a dentist at a Dental Restoration Clinic can mend just about any oral complication a patient is seen for. Dental implants is one of the most influential developments in oral medicine. These artificial teeth attached to constituent parts that simulate natural tooth roots replace missing teeth in the most discreet way. Dental implants look, function and feel like natural teeth. Patient satisfaction is persistently high with the quality of dental implants and the natural, comfortable fit.
The gums protect the dentist. The dentist is bony tissue under the gums that forms the tooth root and other connective tissue. When the gums are infected, the tooth roots and pulp chamber can become infected too. Gingivitis is a mild gum infection, but can lead to periodontal disease in chronic stages. Periodontal disease gets real serious when infection fighting enzymes become destructive and harm bone and connective tissue under the gums. The substructure that supports teeth and keeps them in place is weakened. Pockets form in the gums and wears away gum tissue and bone. If it progresses to this point, treatment for periodontal disease is indispensable.
Periodontal disease is treated with scaling or root planing. It’s a nonsurgical procedure that removes plaque and tartar from the gum line. Root planing removes abrasive areas on the tooth roots and smooths it down. Root planing is the most important step in the procedure. Smoothing down rough spots on the roots prepares the gums for reattachment to the teeth. Plaque build up in gum disease is hardened, so regular dental tools do not remove it. In rare cases, periodontal surgery at a Dental Restoration Clinic is necessary. This is when plaque and tartar has spread far under the gums and is unreachable. Flap surgery and pocket reduction surgery lifts the gums back to remove tartar. If damaged bone surface is seen, it is smoothed out. The gums are placed securely over the teeth so there are no empty spaces for bacteria to get trapped in. Make an appointment at Lewis Family Dentistry or their Facebook page.