How is a Root Canal Performed by the Dentists in North Attleboro, MA?

by | Nov 19, 2013 | Dentistry

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When a person experiences a deep cavity or infection in the roots of the tooth, it can spell disaster for the health of their smile. In many cases, the damage can progress so quickly as to cause lasting damage. In these cases, it is often necessary to extract the tooth. Before extraction is considered, the dentist in North Attleboro MA will first examine the tooth and take X-rays. The X-rays can show how progressed the cavity or infection is and if the infection has entered the surrounding bone tissue. If the dentist feels the tooth might can be saved, a root canal procedure will be ordered.

What Happens During a Root Canal?

The procedure for a root canal begins with the dentist giving you local anesthesia to deaden the pain. Once he or she is sure the nerves have been deadened, your root canal will begin. During the procedure, the dentist will first make an opening in the tooth. This opening will allow him or her to remove the diseased and infected tissue within the tooth. During a root canal, the nerve is also removed so there is no more pain.

Once the tooth has had all of the inner tissue removed, the dentist will use special tools called canal files to scrape the sides of canals in the tooth, making sure to remove any tissue or infection. Once all signs of tissue and infection are removed, the dentist will pack the tooth with a special medication and temporarily fill it until the infection heals. Once it has healed, the tooth will be permanently filled so it will experience no further damage. Since the nerve has been removed, the tooth will no longer cause you pain and discomfort.

If you are have a severe cavity or infection, contact the office of atwill conroy dental associates today. They can provide you with the root canal procedure you need and other dental treatments to keep your smile healthy. No matter what dental conditions you may be facing, they have the procedure to correct the damage and restore your teeth to good health.