When you introduce or upgrade your corporate cafeteria in your organization, there will be a need to consider your marketing and advertising activities to ensure that it is successful, efficiently used by your employees and visitors and financially viable for all of those with a stake.
Keep the Cafeteria in Your Employee’s Mind
Simply opening the doors and failing to communicate the many advantages of your corporate cafeteria may not be sufficient to help employees know about all the advantages of using their new food and beverage outlet.
Employees and visitors need to be treated as you would a public cafeteria or executive restaurant business by providing marketing and advertising activities that entice them to revisit often and regularly.
Great Communications
Like an email marketing campaign, bombarding individuals with too much information is off-putting and conversely, just sending one email may not be enough to attract the attention of your potential customers.
Your communication skills will determine whether the cafeteria is going to be a success or failure. You can begin before the cafeteria opens by asking employees to complete surveys, listing what they require so that your cafeteria management can control the menu and the pricing to meet their customers’ needs.
They will be able to tell you about their specific needs which may be related to vegetarian options, a choice of organic food and allergy information. Where most of your employees are from one culture, you may need to move most of your menu to suit their specific tastes, while not forgetting the minority and their requirements.
The communication skills should not recede after the first couple of months after opening the corporate cafeteria. A suggestion box will help employees, and visitors leave messages so that they can report food items that are not meeting the required standards or are simply becoming boring.
When the highest amount of communication is available, the menu, food choices and pricing can be adapted to suit everyone.