Bleeding gums can be caused by a variety of different things. Before dentists in Oak Brook IL can develop a treatment plan, the cause of your bleeding gums needs to be determined. Here are some things your dentist can do to help determine why your gums are bleeding.
Probing Examination
Your dentist will need to perform a probing dental examination to help uncover the source of your bleeding gums. During the examination, he or she will look for excessive amounts of calculus on your teeth and under your gum line. If calculus formation is minimal, your bleeding gums may not be related to gum disease.
If large amounts of calculus, tartar, and plaque are discovered during your examination, especially if accompanied by inflamed gum tissue, gingivitis may be the most likely culprit. The dentist will also use a dental instrument to gently probe your gums to determine if bleeding is minimal or profuse and hard to stop. This will also help the dentist determine the cause of your bleeding gums.
Oral History
Dentists in Oak Brook IL will also take detailed oral medical histories from their patients to help uncover the cause of gingival bleeding. Also, your dentist will ask you which medications you are currently taking. Aspirin and prescription anticoagulants can cause bleeding gums, while certain drugs used in the management of seizure disorder can cause gum overgrowth. Also known as gingival hyperplasia, gum overgrowth can cause inflammation, pain, redness, and bleeding.
To learn more about the causes of bleeding gums or to make an appointment, contact the office of Dominik Dubravec, DDS, MMSC, PC.