How To Find The Best ARRT CE

by | Feb 14, 2019 | Uncategorized

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If you are looking at continuing education for programs in radiology, then you want to acquire credits that are connected to the ARRT (American Registry for Radiologic Technologists). How do you find the best program? What can these programs do for you? Here are a few ways to find the best ARRT continuing education programs.

Approved: While it may seem shocking at first, there are some websites on the internet that promise to continuing education for radiology but do not have the proper certification. This makes the credits they offer useless and a big waste of money. The ASRT (American Society of Radiologic Technologists) has approved a lot of programs for credits, and it’s not hard to find a reputable one.

Requirements: There are specific requirements put forth by the ARRT, and some programs make it very difficult for potential applicants to find out what credits they do and do not need. It is best to go with the program that sets out the clear requirements that are required by the ARRT.

Credits: Continuing education is measured by credits, and many credits can be acquired for the ARRT. However, depending on your specific discipline, there are only a select amount of credits you need to take. Additionally, some programs charge you for the credits, while others do not charge you extra fees.

Jobs: After you finish continuing education, you need to find a job that matches your new skills and knowledge. Many programs list jobs that are connected to the ARRT. These jobs can be searched by type and location, based on what kind of job you are looking for to find employment.
If you want to have a job in radiology as a technologist, then you need to find the best platform for ARRT continuing education.