Ever wondered how the growers who supply cannabis and CBD products create such potent, pleasant-tasting plants? Here’s how you can do the same at home in areas where doing so is legal.
A Word of Warning
Before you plant your first seeds, be aware of your state’s or country’s laws and regulations regarding the germination and raising of cannabis plants. Many areas where consumption for medical or even recreation purposes is legal do not allow individuals who aren’t licensed for growing to do so. Check your area’s growing laws before you start to prevent a nasty run-in with the law.
Starting Your Seeds
Unless you have someone willing to give you some seeds from their collection, you’ll have to start with CBD seeds for sale commercially. Research the strains available near you; most retailers of cannabis and CBD seeds for sale in California offer not only a wide range of seeds, but information on each strain to make your choice easier.
Many growers begin their seeds using the “wet paper towel” method, and while there is nothing wrong with this approach, it can cause trauma to the tiny plants and cause you to reap far less of what you sow. For best results, drop your seeds into the soil you’re using for growth and gently tamp them down a quarter- to half-inch deep. This way, the seedlings won’t be damaged during transfer, and you’ll keep more of your crop.
Do Your Homework
From there, it will be in your hands to care for the plants as they grow, and research plant breeding techniques. Once your plants begin to produce seeds, you can harvest those seeds to use for selecting the strongest, healthiest strains for continuing the lineage. This way, you can create your own ideal cannabis strain and create your own CBD products, all from the comfort of your property.