How to Make the Most of the Data Collected from a Disease Registry

by | Sep 16, 2019 | Health

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A registry abstraction is an important step in verifying that the data you have collected is accurate, precise, formatted correctly and useful. Abstractions include data cleaning in order to get rid of duplicate entries and to merge files that might have slightly different information, such as a transposed date of birth or first name with a misspelling. Here are three ways that you can make the most of the data collected from your condition, disease, treatment or other type of registry.

Describe Patient Demographics
You may want to use the data from a registry abstraction in order to describe patient demographics. It could be important to note whether the people with a disease or condition are mostly female or mostly in their middle-adult years. You could use this information for comparing the treatments, outcomes and study group versus the general population of your practice.

Evaluate Treatments
Another important activity that you can do after abstracting data from a registry makes a comparison of different treatments. Perhaps you offer all patients with a certain condition treatment of watchful waiting, conservative care or surgery for a condition. Patients might self-select into one of those groups. Although this would not be an unbiased study, you could use the data for evaluating outcomes in a self-selected study group.

Determine Risk Factors
With abstracted data from a registry, you could sort out the risk factors for a condition. After importing the data into a statistical analysis software package, you could determine the risk based on a patient’s age, sex, neighborhood, income, education, job type or other categories. This might give you important information about the likelihood of disease or its severity. The information could even be published in a journal. Regardless, it will help ensure that the data you get is from a verified source.

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