You undoubtedly feel compelled to tidy your house before inviting someone over. This can often include cleaning before your cleaning service arrives. After all, you don’t want your toilets to disgust them, do you?
While that impulse is reasonable, the status of your toilets will not bother your house cleaning company in Glendale, AZ. They don’t want you cleaning before they come, but it doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. There is a distinction to be made between maintenance and everyday cleaning.
Pick Up Clothes
Before your house cleaning company in Glendale, AZ, arrives, place any dirty clothes in the laundry baskets or the laundry room. They can then concentrate on cleaning the bedrooms for upkeep. Picking up the clothing will prevent clean garments from being hungover chairs or clothes headed for the dry cleaners from ending up in the trash.
General Declutter
Most house cleaning agencies will spend one minute of each room on general cleaning. Therefore it’s better if the homeowner does it before the cleaning. Dishes from all rooms in the home should be gathered and placed in the dishwasher. Anything that is on the counter should be put away.
Electronics should be collected and stored in a secure location. Books that don’t belong on coffee tables should be put back where they belong. Towels on the bathroom floor should be taken up. If you declutter before your house cleaning, your cleaning crew will be able to focus on the maintenance cleaning they were hired to undertake.
For more information, please contact Legion of Clean AZ!