Having your roofing system worked on entails finding a roofer with the right qualifications to meet the requirements of your job. When you are checking out a roofer, you will need to verify that he has adequate insurance coverage. Not doing this can result in you being held liable for a worker if he is hurt while on your property. Use the following guidelines to confirm the existence of insurance for a Roofer in Orland Park.
When researching a roofer, it’s necessary to find out if he has minimal levels of insurance such as workers’ compensation and general liability. To do this, ask the roofer for the name of his insurance agent/broker. Call this representative later to request a certificate of insurance. This document is not the insurance contract itself but has details contained in one. If the roofer offers to show you a certificate of insurance or other paperwork to confirm his insurance, politely decline. Only accept a certificate of insurance from an authorized agent or broker. This representative may have a company seal that she will stamp on your certificate. The roofer will have to sign a permission slip allowing his insurance agent to send you this certificate.
When you view a certificate of insurance, pay close attention to certain features. The certificate holder is the third party requesting the certificate. You are the third party in this instance. The full legal name of your business should appear in this spot. The insured is the name of the roofer you are checking out and the producer is the insurance company the insurance agent works for. The types of insurance the roofer has should be checked in the right area. The certificate should contain the policy number of the roofer. Pay close attention to the effective policy date and the expiration policy date. No work should be done on your home unless it falls on or in between these two dates.
Getting a certificate of insurance from an authorized representative will let you verify a roofer’s insurance. Your potential Roofer in Orland Park should have minimal levels of insurance to meet the requirements in your state. You can get more info here at the website of Business Name. This company can handle residential and commercial roofing services.