It is a common misconception that the only reason people engage in bias is due to conscious feelings of bias. Most people harbor unconscious racial stereotypes. If an otherwise woke supervisor does not ever hire people of a certain ethnicity, this is likely a sign of unconscious bias.
To keep your organization safe from accusations of insensitivity, you may well want to initiate unconscious bias training within your organization. Many individuals are completely unaware that they are prejudiced and treating disadvantaged groups in an unfair manner. Though is a new discipline, there can be no doubt that this type of resources has already proven itself many times over. One of the most important parts of unconscious bias training (UBT) is learning about the negative associations we unknowingly hold about certain groups or ethnicities.
UBT isn’t about assigning blame or making people feel guilty. On the contrary, UBT is simply about recognizing our implicit associations and learning to counteract them. UBT is an important discipline for mid-sized and larger companies in many different industries. By training employees in racially sensitive language, UBT consultants can help companies reduce their exposure to lawsuits.
Many workplace environments utilize UBT as a teaching tool for older workers. Although older employees have valuable experience and skills, some of them may have old-fashioned attitudes about acceptable workplace language. Fortunately, most of these workers respond well to corrective training courses. Over the years, a lot of managers have struggled with prejudicial behavior in their workplaces but have lacked appropriate tools for rectification. Securing the right consulting firm can provide you with a reference for identifying and resolving potential bias issues before they become crises. Research has shown that people with negative and aggressive attitudes towards others often have negative feelings about themselves. Dealing with unresolved self-esteem issues is an integral part of UBT.