How Your Dentist in Skokie Performs Dental Cleaning

by | May 11, 2021 | Dental Health

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Dental cleaning is a quick and effective method to remove plaque (superficial pigmentation of teeth). Professional oral cleaning not only improves the color of teeth and their purity, but also prevents diseases such as tooth decay, periodontitis, and so on. This article will help point out the reasons and advantages of cleaning. You can also contact your local Dentist for dental cleaning near Skokie to learn more.

When going in for a cleaning, your dentist starts by introducing a jet spray on the surface of the tooth, which removes the dark patina, making teeth one to two shades lighter. With this system, even the hard to reach areas are cleaned. The best teeth whitening methods, without the use of chemicals, can return the teeth their natural color and beauty. But remember, cleaning is not the same as whitening.

Removal of dental plaque is very important and useful for dental health procedures. It is worth remembering that plaque begins to form within two hours after a meal. The need for professional cleaning methods is high because brushing your teeth with a brush does not remove all deposits. In fact, the accumulation of sediment subsequently mineralizes and forms of dental plaque.

What is tartar and how dangerous is it?

The formation of tartar arises due to lack of hygiene. Over time, plaque is impregnated with crystallized mineral deposits. Tartar formation occurs within 4 – 6 months. Removing the tartar at home is impossible, since it requires special equipment. Independent attempts may lead to serious injury to your gums and teeth.

During the formation of tartar, blood circulation can lead to bone resorption and cause bleeding gums. This is the beginning of periodontal disease. During the first stage, the patient observes bleeding gums and possibly, loose teeth. Today, technology allows dentists to recover any part of the tooth (crown, root) and even bone. However, recovering ligaments (between the tooth and gum) is not possible. Your local dentist for dental cleaning near Skokie is confident that preventing this problem is easier and cheaper than repairing it. Therefore, it is important to prevent the formation of tartar and this requires a professional teeth cleaning at least every six months. Visit Chicago Dental Arts for more information.