If you have received a notice from the Immigration Office to appear before them, it can be very scary. Even if you’ve been doing everything you’re supposed to do, the possibility of being deported while you feel that you’re just getting settled can shake the soul of your very being. Getting an Immigration Lawyer Nashville TN can help alleviate this stress and uncertainty.
They can review your current status and know all of the procedural rules of the law. Maybe you received a Notice to Appear because your visa or green card is ready to expire. Maybe you received a notice because you did not complete something on your application correctly and you’re afraid of being deported. Having an Immigration Lawyer Nashville TN who is willing to work for you to stay in the United States is what you need.
Having an Immigration Lawyer Nashville TN doesn’t guarantee you will win your case; but having an attorney who knows the law and can help you fight through possible language barriers or laws that you are facing. An attorney can offer evidence through the legal system that you may not understand or are unfamiliar with in presenting to the courts.
If you have committed a crime in the United States, it is possible that you will be deported. Depending on the crime committed, an attorney is able to discuss it with the courts and give evidence that you made a mistake or are a person of upstanding moral character and that you may have made a mistake. Sometimes a lawyer can negotiate rehabilitation instead of jail time or deportation.
There are many different types of attorneys in the United States. Finding an attorney or lawyer that specializes in immigration could save you from deportation or loss of your green card. You do not want an inexperienced attorney. You want one that is experienced in immigration. Asking yourself “What am I going to do?” will not help you in court. Get an attorney like Dawn A. Garcia Attorney At Law who specializes in immigration and who cares about you and what your rights are. It could be the difference between staying in the United States or being deported to the country that you came from. Visit website for more information.