Important Facts About Mental Health Treatment In Minnesota

by | Jan 4, 2017 | Health

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Mental health challenges are among the most common health concerns faced by Americans. Recent studies have concluded that one in five individuals in the United States have at one point in their lives suffered from a mental health issue. These types of issues need medical intervention in order to improve, making it crucial to see a doctor or other mental health specialist early. Unfortunately, some people feel uncomfortable discussing their concerns due to the stigma surrounding treatment. In order to help dispel some of those myths, here are a few important facts about mental health treatment in Minnesota.

It Can Be Life Changing

While it sounds like hyperbole, it’s true that seeking treatment for your mental health challenges will change your life. Finding a treatment facility that puts an emphasis on the patient’s needs, issues, and goals will not only help your mental health improve now, but it will give you the tools you need for continued mental health in the future.

It May Be Covered

Many insurance plans cover mental health treatments, including day programs and family or individual therapy. Privacy laws currently in effect in the state prevent the insurance company from disclosing to your employer the exact type of services you are seeking to have covered, so you can feel free to use the coverage at your disposal. Most facilities accept most health care plans as well.

Treatment Doesn’t Always Mean Medication

A general hesitation about taking medication can often prevent people from seeking the treatment they need. The reality is that medication is often a last resort when it comes to treating mental health challenges. Mental health professionals generally prefer alternate courses of treatment first, such as talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and family based intervention. Mention any concerns you have about being treated with medication at the outset of your time at the facility, and they will likely be able to find you a qualified mental health professional who shares your philosophy on medical intervention.

To learn more about mental health treatment in Minnesota, contact Options at