To be totally honest, it is impossible to bug proof your home entirely. There are always going to be some type of insects that slip through the cracks, no matter how carefully you try to prevent it from happening. Your best bet, of course, is to call in the Insect Removal Professionals in Canton to take care of the problem for you. However, they can only try to remove the problem; you need to do all that you can to prevent the insects from getting in again. Below you will find some tips on how to bug proof your home as much as humanly possible.
Install and Take Care of Screens on All Windows and Doors
You can often ride by homes in the summer and see doors and windows wide open. This is a great way to let fresh air into your home, but if there is a crack or hole in any of your screens, you are inviting the insects to come on in and set up housekeeping. You need to make sure that the screens you install are free of holes, and any type of cracks that can let ants, spiders, or even the dreaded mosquito population take up residence in your home.
Seal Around All Doors
The Insect Removal Professionals in Canton can tell you that if you can see the light around your exterior doors, then the bugs can get in. You need to seal all cracks, so that no daylight gets through. While this cannot guarantee you will not have insects in your home, it does help.
Install Critter Proof Mesh
There is a type of mesh that you can purchase to put on your vents and crawl spaces; these stop the insects and bugs from getting through, leaving your home less likely to be the recipient of a bug invasion.
These are just a few of the steps that you can take to help keep your home insect free. You can contact Pest Masters, Inc. for more options, and to have your home sprayed today. You can also find out what the best methods are for preventing the bugs from invading your home, when the summer sun starts to heat up the outside world. Read more for more information.