Is It Time to Call a HVAC Contractor in Punta Gorda, FL?

by | Feb 18, 2019 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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There is no doubt that the presence of a good quality heating and cooling system makes a difference. Along with keeping the inside of the home comfortable, that system also adds to the value of the property. For this reason, it pays to know the signs that something needs attention and that the time has come to call a HVAC Contractor in Punta Gorda FL. Here are a couple of examples.

The System is Running, But Nothing is Happening

While the unit is running, there seems to be no change to the temperature or humidity level in the house. In fact, the air that is coming out of the vents is tepid at best. Since the unit is not accomplishing anything other than wasting energy, there is no need to allow it to keep running. The best bet is to shut it off and call a HVAC Contractor in Punta Gorda FL, immediately.

All Sorts of New and Unusual Sounds

In times past, the system was always very quiet. In fact, it was hard to tell when it cycled off and on. Other than the nice flow of air coming from the vents, it was very easy to forget that the house even had a central heating and cooling unit. Over the last week or so, that ideal situation has undergone a noticeable change.

Now the unit makes a screeching sound when it comes to a stop. During operation, there is something rattling. The sounds are sometimes so loud that they wake people up at night. Rather than going without sleep and worrying about what may be about to happen, it makes sense to call a professional and get to the bottom of all those weird sounds.

Homeowners who are facing these kinds of situations do not have to fear. Take a moment and call In no time at all, a professional will be there to inspect the unit and figure out what is wrong. From there, it will be easy to determine how much it will cost to repair the system or if the time has come for a total replacement. You can pay a visit to Facebook page for more information.