While alcohol addiction can be relatively easy to spot, drug dependency may be harder to identify. Because the effects of some drugs last for many hours, individuals may appear to act in a fairly normal manner when in reality they’re in the grip of a serious addiction problem. Luckily, successful drug addiction treatment is available in Malibu and elsewhere in the state, ensuring even serious addicts can enjoy successful remission. If a loved one is displaying a number of the following symptoms, it could be they are addicted to drugs and professional assistance is required.
Degeneration in Physical Health
Although obviously physical symptoms may have a number of causes, if someone close to you appears to be degenerating physically for no obvious reason, then drugs could well be a factor. Symptoms such as frequent nose bleeds, seizures, changes in appetite, sleep patterns or levels of physical activity, poor coordination or blood shot eyes may all indicate an excessive use of non-prescription substances. Available in Malibu, drug addiction treatment frequently incorporates physical interventions to build up a body ravaged by the effects of drugs.
Mental Health Issues
While it’s important not to immediately conclude someone displaying erratic or unusual behavior is in the grip of a drug addiction, it’s certainly possible drugs are playing a role, particularly if the symptoms have been quite sudden in onset and are coupled with some physical symptoms. Mental health issues may include rapid mood changes, irritability, a lack of motivation or displaying a state of mind which isn’t consistent with the external environment (for example being wildly excited about a trip to the mall, or conversely being convinced someone is following them even when this is clearly not the case). Fortunately once drug addiction treatment in Malibu has been commenced, recovery from these disturbing behaviors is frequently swift and long lasting.
Lifestyle Changes
The need to finance and source a drug addiction can lead to significant changes in behavior. If someone you care about is displaying increased secrecy, disappearing for periods of time, appears to be struggling financially for no apparent reason or is cutting themselves off from their usual friends, hobbies and social network, drug abuse could be a causative factor. In Malibu, drug addiction treatment includes not only addressing the direct effects of drug addiction, but also building up a positive post-treatment environment where the recovering addict will have every opportunity to enjoy their old positive pastimes and form beneficial friendships.
Although it’s always terrifying to realize a loved one is in the grip of a drug addiction, luckily there is plenty of help out there if they’re willing to take it. If you’re concerned someone you care about is taking drugs, Serenity Malibu Rehab Center offers a free, confidential advisory service to discuss what options for assistance are available.