Keep Quiet to Those Not Involved When Dealing with a Pending Auto Accident Lawyer Case in Tacoma

by | Mar 23, 2015 | Lawyers

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Celebrities are often quiet when asked about a particular court situation. The common response of “I cannot talk about it” is exactly what should be said. Despite their frustrations, disagreements, and earnest and obvious desire to talk about it, they remain quiet to not allow any information that could be used against them to seep out.
Also, courts despise when a case is discussed while it is pending. A simple comment, seeming innocuous, can and will often be used against an individual. Be aware of these principles when working with an auto accident lawyer in Tacoma, because they apply to regular people just as much as they apply to high-profile celebrities. Click here to get more information.

This applies to the web as well, where social networks are quickly becoming sound boxes for people to announce their grievances. Many have smartened up to this reality, though many have not. These posts are immortalized in the web even if they are quickly removed. Do you remember that young girl that posted a photo of her smiling at the camera next to a lion she shot? It created a perception of her and did not help her pending investigation. Screen picture captures can be substantial evidence of a certain person’s social media activities even after deleted.

Keep quiet about the frustrations and see those same frustrations become quickly minimized by an auto accident lawyer in Tacoma. Consider images as well. For example, would an individual with two broken arms be willing and able to mountain climb? Even if the situation was entirely legitimate and the individual happened to recover quickly (or the picture was taken prior to the accident) it does not provide a very good image and perception.

It has been seen often when a certain case goes national, and the participants are suddenly celebrities. Their words and actions, unaccustomed to public perception and awareness, come back to haunt them. It is not as if an individual and the auto accident lawyer in Tacoma want to create a false narrative of the situation. But they need to set themselves up in a direction where the situation is devastating, and that the damage is not minimized in the proceedings. Work with Sadler Ladenburg in Tacoma to set the argument once and for all that the auto accident is and was a disaster physically, career-wise, and emotionally.