Chiropractors are health-care professionals who focus on neuromuscular problems and disorders. And whether you’re nursing an old muscle strain, recovering from a sports injury or just hurt yourself at work, a chiropractor can help you with the recovery process. In many cases, you may go to your family doctor first who, in turn, will recommend a chiropractor. You can also contact one of these specialists directly. With that said, following are some key benefits of visiting a chiropractor.
Treat Variety of Problems
Chiropractors in Chicago treat a wide range of ailments, including ligament and tendon damage, rotator cuff problems, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, plantar fasciitis and bulging or herniated discs. Your chiropractor will usually take an X-ray to diagnose your problem; then prescribe the appropriate treatments to get you back to your activities.
Alleviate Pain
Your chiropractor will use a variety of methods to treat your pain and inflammation. Some of these treatments include cryotherapy, heating pads, manipulation of joints and vertebrae, flexion machines and electro-stimulation. The length of the treatments will vary depending on the severity of your injury or ailment.
Additional Services
Most chiropractors in Chicago employ other specialists to assist with your healing. These professionals are adept in nutrition, acupuncture, massage therapy, strength training and even laser treatments.
Get Healed Faster
A chiropractor can get you healed faster. Many use the R.I.C.E. approach, which includes rest, ice, compression and elevation. The objective is to reduce the inflammation the first few days; then use heat to promote healing when the swelling subsides.
Instructions for Home
Most chiropractors in Chicago will recommend certain exercises, even after you stop receiving treatments. These exercises, which may include back, shoulder or neck stretches, can keep your muscles loose and help you avoid future injuries.