Learn More About Kirkland Teeth Whitening

by | Feb 17, 2014 | Dentists

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No one wants to face having yellowed and stained teeth, but most everyone deals with this issue at some time in their lives. As you grow older, your teeth can begin to yellow and become stained. If you are wine drinker, a smoker or take certain types of medication, you may experience more pronounced staining. To help improve the appearance of your smile and remove the stains embedded in your teeth, it can help to have a Kirkland Teeth Whitening treatment. This treatment removes deep stains and gives you whiter teeth than you ever imagined was possible. With ongoing treatments, your teeth can become Hollywood white.

How Do Kirkland Teeth Whitening Treatments Work?

One of the active ingredients in whitening solutions is Hydrogen Peroxide. This ingredient helps to bubble the stains away, by forming microscopic bubbling action that penetrates deep within your teeth. In whitening solutions you purchase at home, you cannot get the level of whitening you desire. This is because the majority of stains are trapped within the dentin area of your tooth. This is an area the weak at-home whitening kits cannot penetrate.

To find true whitening of your stains, you need to have a strong level of Hydrogen Peroxide, found only in dental office whitening treatments. Through these treatments, you can have the whitening you desire, without the harmful additive of silica, which can scratch and damage your enamel. Once your enamel has been damaged, there is no way it can be repaired or replaced. This is why you should always stick to the dentist when you want to have your teeth whitened.

The dentist can take your teeth from natural white to a brilliant Hollywood white. You can make the decision on how white you want your teeth to be. This will determine the type of whitening treatment your dentist uses. Through Teeth Whitening at Ana Bella Dentistry of Kirkland, your smile will look amazing.

If you would like to learn more about the different types of whitening treatments, contact Ana Bella Family and Costmetic Dentistry and allow them to schedule you for an appointment. There is no better time for you to see how whitening can beautify your smile.